Welcome to our video page!
Please subscribe to our Youtube channels for regular recordings of services, worship and messages of encouragement:
www.youtube.com/MossvaleChurch and www.youtube.com/Woman2Woman
Sermon - The 2 Ws - Mairi Stewart
Pastor Debbie Orr - Wonders Never Cease
Pastor Debbie Orr - Wonder Working Power
Pastor Hugh Chalk - Spiritual Complacency
Pastor Hugh Chalk and the Mossvale Church band
Pastor Hugh Chalk - The Oil of Gladness
Pastor Steven Barr - The Presence of God - hearing
Pastor Hugh Chalk - Boasting in the Cross
Sight - Pastor Tom Paton
Pastor Hugh Chalk - Worship in the Word part 4
Pastor Ken Trench - The Touch of God Worship led by Craig Trench
Pastor Hugh Chalk - Worship in the Word part 3
Pastor Debbie Orr - The Scent of Worship
Pastor Hugh Chalk - Worship in the Word part 2
Worship: Renfrew Christian Fellowship Word: Phil Arbon - Taste & See
Pastor Hugh Chalk - Worship in the Word part 1
Daniel Carnan Matthew 7:1-6
Pastor Debbie Orr - Do Not Worry
Pastor Debbie Orr - Treasure in Heaven
Tim Hill - Matthew 6:16-18 Fasting
Pastor Debbie Orr - The Lord's Prayer
Daniel Carnan. Matthew 5:43-48
Pastor Hugh Chalk - Promises, Promises
Pastor Hugh Chalk. Reconciliation.
Pastor Hugh Chalk of Mossvale Community Church Paisley. Visit to the projects of NGO Osmond Rescue Aid Mission in Ghana, March 2022. Diamond Hill School, Mossy International School Krokoshwe village, Mossvale Community Sanctuary Kokrobite.
Family Service
Pastor Hugh Chalk. Salt and Light
Pastor Hugh Chalk. The Resurrection - Fake News?
Pastor Debbie Orr - He Wants You
Pastor Hugh Chalk. Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted
Pastor Debbie Orr - Blessed Are The Peacemakers
Danny Carnan - Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Pastor Hugh Chalk. Blessed Are The Merciful
Pastor Hugh Chalk. Blessed Are Those Who Hunger And Thirst
Pastor Hugh Chalk. Blessed are the Meek.
Pastor Hugh Chalk. Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
Pastor Hugh Chalk. Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit.
Tim Hill - John 10
Pastor Hugh Chalk - Be Filled With the Spirit
Daniel Carnan. Unity.
Plans for the Education4Life school in Krokoshwe village, Ghana.
The Dead Are Raised. Pastor Hugh Chalk.
Pastor Debbie Orr - Stand Firm
Pastor Debbie Orr. The Sons of Thunder – Servant Leaders.
Watchnight Service Short Word - The Word Became Flesh
Short word - Joy To the World Nativity Service
Pastor Debbie Orr - Overcoming emptiness and disappointment
A Story Foretold Kids Connection Nativity 2021
An Unexpected Christmas | Lift Up The Name of Jesus | Nativity 2020
Livestreamed Christmas Show fundraiser