Welcome to our video page! 

Please subscribe to our Youtube channels for regular recordings of services, worship and messages of encouragement:

www.youtube.com/MossvaleChurch and www.youtube.com/Woman2Woman


Krokoshwe village, Ghana

Plans for the Education4Life school in Krokoshwe village, Ghana.

Sewing2gether All Nations | Climate Challenge: 1.5 Degrees Film

Sewing2gether All Nations is a refugee assisting community organisation held in Mossvale, providing creative workshops and upcycling donated textiles.

Tree of Hope Lighting Ceremony

Tree of Hope Lighting Ceremony, Renfrewshire Doors Open Day 2021

Mossvale Community Sanctuary, Ghana | May 2021

An update from Pastor Gladstone Akabuah.

Testimony of a Covid-19 survivor

In early 2021, Brian was admitted to an intensive care unit and put on a ventilator as a result of the Covid-19 virus. Now recovering, he has a renewed faith, and a message of thanks and hope for all who prayed for him across the globe.

Tree of Hope Announcement

Today we recognise a year since the first lockdown, 23rd March 2020. A national day of reflection was called, to reflect on our collective loss, support those who've been bereaved, and look towards hope for a brighter future.

If the Stones

More soup, a sermonette and a song from Pastor Hugh Chalk.

Checking the Pulse of Praise

More soup and a sermonette from Pastor Hugh Chalk.

The Freedom of Forgiveness

Soup and a sermonette from Pastor Hugh Chalk.

Valley of Tears

Soup, a sermonette and a song from Pastor Hugh Chalk.

In His Presence

Soup, a sermonette & praise from Pastor Hugh Chalk.

Following the Perfect Path

As we journey through lockdown, another message of encouragement and challenge is delivered by Pastor Hugh Chalk.

The Root of Rebellion

More soup and a sermonette from Pastor Hugh Chalk.

The Eye of the Storm

Soup and a sermonette! As we journey through lockdown, in between doorstep deliveries we have a message of encouragement from Pastor Hugh Chalk.

Get in to the River!

Soup and a sermonette! As we return to a period of lockdown, in between doorstep deliveries we have a message of encouragement from Pastor Hugh Chalk.

New Year JOY

A New Year message of encouragement from Pastor Hugh Chalk. Philippians 4:4-6 "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."