
Mossvale Community Church is an non-denominational, family church in the north end of Paisley, Renfrewshire, in Scotland. We come from all walks of life, and are united in our passion to see lives and our world transformed by the love and power of God.

Whoever you are, you are assured a very warm welcome at Mossvale. If you live in, or are just visiting the Paisley area, come along to any of our church services or other activities - we would love to meet you!


There has been a place of worship called "Mossvale" in the north of Paisley since the late 19th century.  Our church building on Greenock Road opened in 1884 and has been the property of several denominations.  Our congregation took ownership in 1974, opening officially in 1975, led by two brothers and their families, Pastor Robert and Jeanne Chalk, and Senior Elders Hugh and Isabel Chalk.

In the 1990's the Leadership Team expanded with Pastor Hugh and Gail Chalk, with Hugh becoming full-time Pastor in 2003.  Hugh also provides chaplaincy services to St Mirren Football Club under Sports Chaplaincy UK

In 2019 we expanded our Pastoral Team, ordaining Pastor Debbie Orr, the founder and leader of Woman2Woman.


Mossvale Community Church is a charity registered in Scotland [SC034871], with a small Board of Trustees. We operate both in the Paisley, Renfrewshire area and overseas. The organisation is supervised by a Management Team of Pastors, Elders and other Office Bearers. 

The Leaders Well is our pool of Co-ordinators and Leaders from the main areas of activity at Mossvale Church. They meet regularly to share plans and ideas, each leader representing their volunteers and the attendees of their particular meetings or events.


But first and foremost we are a part of the body of Christ, a church, a fellowship of believers, a spiritual home, a family...

Mossvale has a place and a role for everyone. Each week members are stepping up and into a new challenge, using their talents in the practical and the spiritual. We believe in body ministry - building lives and fulfilling purpose! There is a vital part for everyone to play, no matter what their age or abilities - and much for you to receive also - church is more than just Sunday's - much, much more! 


What we believe...

Our vision  is to live out the gospel of Jesus Christ within the community; so that everyone can know the love, hope and healing of God in their lives.
Our aim  is to provide a place where people can experience God through prayer, worship and friendship.

We believe  in One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism.

We believe  the Bible teaches there is only one God.
Revealed as;
Father in the Old Testament,
the Son Jesus Christ, in human form,
and as the Holy Spirit, sent to comfort us and live inside of us.

We believe  God's Word in its entirety and that His Word never changes.
It is as clear and relevant today as it was centuries ago.

We proclaim  the life-changing experience of repentance, being baptised in water by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins, and receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Page last updated: Tuesday 5th September 2023 2:17 PM
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